get in touch

Alex Perrin

6 minute read
Alex Perrin • 03.23.2020
Humans are naturally social beings. As we find ourselves sheltering in place and socially distancing in order to flatten the COVID-19 curve, many of us are struggling with the sudden shift from daily in-person interactions to screen-based communication. Without our . . .
4 minute read
Alex Perrin • 03.16.2020
Rapid movement to mandatory telework and the increase of event cancelations or postponements leave leaders in a difficult position: How do I successfully preserve the continuity of operations while respecting the wellbeing of staff operating in a fully remote environment? This is . . .
5 minute read
Alex Perrin • 02.05.2019
In part one of this blog series about Agile transformation, we discussed the key principles underlying an organizational culture that will support this shift. Before undertaking an organizational transformation it is critical is to ensure the organization is ready and willing to do what . . .
5 minute read
Alex Perrin • 10.16.2018
With the uncertainty of changing customer needs, an increasingly diverse workforce, and a barrage of new technology, organizations must constantly adapt to meet evolving market demands. Successful organizations will recognize and address the need to maximize constrained resources while increasing . . .
4 minute read
Alex Perrin • 09.26.2018
When I was five years old, I received my first electronic keyboard. I would pretend to play along to the cheesy, pre-programmed elevator-esque music, letting the machine do the heavy lifting. Soon thereafter, recognizing my increasingly apparent love of music, . . .