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Aubrey Waldock

6 minute read
Aubrey Waldock • 12.04.2023
The Clearing helped agency leaders harness the power of their purchasing data to tell a story of savings as they created a modern acquisition program that drove increased value for the federal government and the American people.
Customer Experience
4 minute read
Aubrey Waldock • 02.09.2023
Whether it’s ensuring employees remain informed throughout a major workplace change, launching a new product or service, or simply regular messaging within your organization, thinking about your communications strategy can be the difference between success or failure. Our consultants build . . .
6 minute read
Aubrey Waldock • 01.10.2024
There are numerous benefits of expanding your business through a merger or acquisition – you can obtain valuable resources and additional skills, diversify your product offerings, reduce costs and competition, and access a greater customer base. While M&As typically seem like promising . . .