get in touch

Chris Jackson

4 minute read
Chris Jackson • 02.20.2018
Collaboration is a critical aspect to any successful company. It is a source of competitive advantage in most industries where organizations that promote more collaborative efforts are rewarded with greater outcomes. Opportunities to plan strategies, focus priorities, and organize responses . . .
6 minute read
Chris Jackson • 01.04.2017
“None of us is as smart as all of us.” – Ken Blanchard When is the last time you were in a meeting and asked to come up with as many ideas as possible – to share any and all ideas . . .
6 minute read
Chris Jackson • 12.05.2016
You’re going to waste nearly 30 hours this month in unproductive meetings. Take a moment and look at your calendar from last month. Count all the meetings you had. I clocked in at around 56 meetings. You likely had a similar number, . . .