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Sean Follin

5 minute read
Sean Follin • 04.02.2020
For a full list of resources and toolkits, check out our COVID-19 response page. – As our world continues to grapple with what’s happening around us, everyone, including leaders, struggle to keep up with rapidly evolving conditions. At The Clearing, we . . .
6 minute read
Sean Follin • 08.30.2017
Charlie Munger, the equally successful yet less well-known partner of Warren Buffet, is considered to be the one of the smartest generalists of all time. His success is likely due to the fact that he finds a “lesson” in everything. . . .
Sean Follin • 08.14.2017
In our third episode, One Man’s Story of War and Peace, we speak with Professor Al Fuertes about his experience growing up in a war zone in the Philippines, and how that led him to become a practitioner in the . . .
7 minute read
Sean Follin • 02.06.2017
Full disclosure — I’m not a sports guy. Don’t get me wrong, I play sports and lots of them. I just ended my fast-pitch baseball career last year, after all. However, Bud Light would never cast me in their chest-bumping-bowl-of-Utz-Party-Mix-spilling . . .
10 minute read
Sean Follin • 02.01.2017
This blog is part of a series, Leading From the Middle. This series teaches you how to improve the system and show the Man that Millennials know how to get stuff done. Gain new perspectives on leadership, plot the course, . . .
6 minute read
Sean Follin • 11.17.2016
On January 21st, a new chapter of the American story will begin. The transition will be a pivotal period for the new administration to set the stage for its path forward. As part of the transition, more than 4,100 individuals . . .
Sean Follin • 10.07.2016
In our second episode, Democracy As We Know It: Going, Going, Gone, we take a look at how current events, specifically the Brexit, can be seen as catalysts for larger shifts in the way government works. We also examine possible aspects . . .
3 minute read
Sean Follin • 06.20.2016
In our first episode, Telling the Story of STEM, we sit down with industry leaders to learn about the looming STEM talent gap and what some of the world’s largest companies are doing about it. We also discuss the transforming . . .