get in touch

Theresa West

6 minute read
Theresa West • 06.06.2022
Let’s Talk About Team Workability Have you ever received a non-urgent late-night email from a colleague and felt obligated to respond? Or wondered if your working hours need to mimic your boss’ schedule? If so, it may be time to . . .
5 minute read
Theresa West • 09.24.2021
As my colleague Cara Valentino recently shared, employees are having many feelings when it comes to physically going back to the office. As The Clearing’s Talent & Delivery Excellence lead, I’m partnering with our HR team to ensure our employees . . .
4 minute read
Theresa West • 03.25.2019
In honor of Women’s History Month, I took some time out to reflect on my career and the lessons I’ve learned as I worked my way up from an entry level consultant to Director here at The Clearing. I’m sharing . . .