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Yasmeen Burns

3 minute read
Yasmeen Burns • 01.10.2024
CX Spark™, The Clearing’s customer experience assessment evaluates your organization’s current level of CX maturity to understand how well it is meeting your customers’ needs by focusing on five critical focus areas.
Customer Experience
7 minute read
Yasmeen Burns • 12.16.2021
An intense focus on the customer and their experience is not a new priority for most private sector organizations. Just look at Amazon; and while it hasn’t always been that way for the federal government, that’s beginning to change – . . .
Customer Experience
4 minute read
Yasmeen Burns • 03.25.2020
At The Clearing, we have the privilege of working with leaders of organizations of all shapes and sizes who are transforming into customer-centric powerhouses. Customer Experience or CX is a buzzword that is popping up all over the place. What . . .
Customer Experience
10 minute read
Yasmeen Burns • 08.29.2018
As we mentioned in our inaugural IT Modernization blog, IT Mod is a large organizational, financial, and cultural commitment. It can feel like an insurmountable task to steer your company in this new direction. Leaders we work with on IT Mod . . .
7 minute read
Yasmeen Burns • 05.23.2018
What is IT Modernization, or IT Mod? Why are government agencies and other organizations investing so much time and energy into it? How do I get started on IT Mod efforts? These are just some of the questions we hear . . .