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An Event Recap of Strike the Match: A Culture Conversation


Eliot Johnson

Date Published

May 03, 2018
4 minute read

On May 2nd, The Clearing hosted the first in a series of conversations about culture in the workplace. In our inaugural event, Strike the Match, we talked about how to drive a peak performance culture, and challenged the audience to consider two important questions: What are the levers for peak performance, and where is your untapped growth? The discussion focused around tools found in The Clearing founder Chris McGoff’s latest book, Match in the Root Cellar: How You Can Spark a Peak Performance Culture.

In order to get people in the right mindset, we asked a series of diagnostic questions to find out what kind of organizational cultures our audience were currently experiencing. Over the course of the evening, we heard from people across various levels in their organizations, ranging from senior-level executives to emerging leaders. One a change-maker told us that her company recognizes employees as a whole person, acknowledging both strengths and weaknesses. Giving feedback is one of the seven disciplines for driving a peak performance culture. When you give feedback as caring, you are focusing your discussion on principles of learning and growth which will ultimately produce better results for your customers.

At the end of the event, Chris led the audience through three PRIMES that helped everyone in the room realize how they could start creating a peak performance in their organization now.

The first PRIME was the Culture PRIME, where we talked about drawing a culture line. Above the line are the current things that we tolerate in our organizational culture and below the line are the current things that we do not tolerate in our culture. In order to drive a peak performance culture, we have to find the things in our culture that are above the line that may stop us from delivering ultimate value to our customers and move them below the line.

Then we visited the Perimeter PRIME, where we talked about the red dot moments that allow us to step outside of ourselves and start having extraordinary conversations.

Perimeter Prime

We ended the night with the Victim-Leader PRIME where we learned that sometimes we stand in the way of our own success, and in order to drive a peak performance culture we have to acknowledge that and move out of our own way.

Victim Leader

To learn more about how The Clearing can help your organization achieve a peak performance culture, click here. Or, contact us at to request an invitation to our next event in fall 2018.