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Tim’s Takeaways: Measuring the Success of Shared Services Implementation


Tim Rund

Date Published

Jun 10, 2022
4 minute read
SSOW Tim's Takeaways

If you think you’ve been reading a lot about Shared Services lately, you’re right. Not only is it a topic near and dear to my heart, it’s an area with a lot of momentum behind it in the federal space – and one that many of our readers want to hear more about.

At a recent Shared Services Forum, we heard from GSA’s Office of Shared Solutions and Performance Improvement (OSSPI) on OSSPI’s performance management framework for shared services (see attached OSSPI “Performance Management Framework” presentation).


March Shared Services Graphic Recording

Credit: Shawn Perkins


Here are my key takeaways:

  • The OSSPI Team outlined the Performance Management Framework for adopting Shared Services. In particular, they shared the working addition to their Balance Scorecard for measuring the impact of Shared Services in IT Modernization. The subcategories for the IT Modernization Dimension on the Scorecard include: System Resiliency; Technology Management/Software Delivery; Data Interfaces/Customization; Human-Centered Design and Usability; Cyber Security; and IT Contract Consolidation. It’s exciting to not only see the increasing adoption of the Shared Services concept, but the continuing sophistication around implementation.
  • Attendees (myself included) shared feedback on the OSSPI’s approach to defining the dimensions of this scorecard. Our discussion mainly focused on being clear on what is the universally understood definition of “IT Modernization” and how can OSSPI coalesce a “dream team” of leaders (i.e., Government QSMOs) to enhance their approach to incorporating IT Modernization into the Scorecard. Again, exciting stuff that points to the thought going into modernizing and streamlining how the federal government operates.
  • As you likely know, we focus on a people-first consulting model here at the Clearing. To that end, my colleague Regina Perkins and I weighed in on the importance of considering customer experience when defining measurement. Not only can Shared Services result in greater efficiencies and cost savings, it can improve the human experience when securing services and vendors.

The March 2022 Shared Services Forum also included an update from the Grants Management Quality Services Management Organization (QSMO) team of Chad Clifford and Andrea Sampanis (see graphic).  If you are interested in learning more about the Shared Services Forum reach out to John Marshall of the Shared Services Leadership Coalition at

As always, if you’re interested in chatting more about Shared Services or have topics you’d like covered in a future forum, reach out anytime at or call my cell 703.975.6098.