The 5th Annual Shared Services Summit kicks off on Wednesday, September 16, 2020 and continues through the morning of Thursday, September 17. This year’s virtual Summit is hosted by ACT-IAC in collaboration with the Shared Services Leadership Coalition (SSLC), the members of both organizations, corporate sponsors, and government colleagues who are leading shared services initiatives across the federal government.
This year, the Summit will highlight the Shared Services transformation efforts taking place across the government. More than ever, Agency leaders are leveraging Shared Services solutions to meet their rapidly evolving mission needs and aligning those solutions to the strategies outlined in both the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum 19-16 and the “Sharing Quality Services” Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) goal outlined in the President’s Management Agenda (PMA).
Speakers include senior government leaders such as GSA Administrator Emily Murphy who leads the “Sharing Quality Services” CAP Goal; Bryan Slater, the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management at the Department of Labor; and Tom Muir who serves as both the Acting Director of Administration and Organizational Policy for the Department of Defense and the Director of Washington Headquarters Service (WHS).
This year’s Summit continues to build upon the bipartisan efforts of multiple Administrations to establish a roadmap for the greater adoption of shared services across the federal government. These past efforts include:
- initial work done to consolidate payroll functions
- creation of the Lines of Business (LOB)
- establishment of substantial eGov initiatives
These and many other key initiatives became the building blocks for the foundation of so many federal Shared Services successes. Several of the individuals responsible for these key milestones include Summit speakers Robert Shea and Dan Chenok during their time at the White House and Dave Wennergren during his time as the Assistant Deputy Chief Management Officer at DoD.
Dave Mader, Summit speaker, outlined the first national Shared Services strategy during his tenure as the OMB Acting Deputy Director for Management in OMB Memorandum 16-11, which included the establishment of the first Shared Services Policy Officer at OMB and the creation of the Unified Shared Services Management (USSM) organization initially led by Beth Angerman and now represented at the Summit by Rob Wuhrman. Later, the memo also created the Office of Shared Solutions and Performance Improvement (OSSPI) now led by Summit speaker, Earl Pinto.
Since last year’s Summit, there has been significant progress made to stand-up the Quality Services Management Offices (QSMO) as outlined in OMB’s Memorandum 19-16. One exciting addition to this year’s list of speakers are the leaders from each of the new QSMO teams:
- Alice Bettencourt, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grants is the Executive Lead for the Grants QSMO aligned to HHS
- Amy Haseltine, who serves as both the Director of the QSMO for Civilian HR Transaction Services and the lead for the NewPay Program Management Office at GSA
- Matthew Miller, Deputy Commissioner of the Bureau of the Fiscal Service at the Department of Treasury who has oversight of the Financial Management QSMO
- James Sheire, the lead for the Cybersecurity QSMO aligned to the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
A key success factor in the growing implementation of shared services is the expanding partnership between the federal government and industry. Jackie Jones, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Administrative Services at the Department of the Interior (DOI) will talk about best practices for implementing shared services leveraged by her team at the Interior Business Center (IBC). Ken Newton, the Director for the Service Delivery Directorate at the NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) and Charlotte Phelan, the Assistant Commissioner of GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service, Office of Travel, Transportation & Logistics are joining Jackie on the panel moderated by Chris Hegedus, VP and General Manager at General Dynamics Information Technology’s (GDIT) to explore best practices for expanding government and industry partnerships.
Register for the Shared Services Summit at their website. At the conference, make sure to stop by the How Do We Partner to Create a Better Customer Experience and the What Does This All Mean For The Future Of Enterprise Shared Services sessions to join my colleagues, Regina Perkins and Sean Follin, as they moderate a great lineup of government and industry speakers.
Want to learn more about the Shared Services Summit or set up a time with me to chat during the conference? Please send me an email at